Principles and Values

The Mediterranean National Societies are working together towards a common ambition: to build jointly a future partnership to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and for human, social and cultural understanding, which involves values, behaviours and ways of life that reject violence and spreads a conflict resolution attitude by facing causes and to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation. All of these under the Red Cross and Red Crescent Principles and respect for people's human rights.



Bridging the gap toward intergenerational dialogue: Volunteering as a vector of social cohesion

The CCM and the Spanish Red Cross organized in Madrid a seminar under the title `bridging the gap towards intergenerational dialogue: Volunteering as a vector of social cohesion¿, focusing on the role that the volunteering promotion can play to bring generations closer together. While delivering volunteer service, both young and elder people can benefit from mutual contact and feel part of the solution to the current and complex crises situations rather than a burden to society, promoting mutual understanding in a relationship based on personal growth and knowledge exchange. ITC¿s (Information and Communication technology) can also play a significant role as it stands as a relevant tool in the contact between generations.


Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean (CCM) & Spanish Red Cross


23-25 May 2014


Madrid, Spain

Working Language

English with simultaneous translation into French and Spanish

Fields of Action

Youth; Volunteering; Intergenerational Dialogue; Principles and Values

Vulnerability Analysis / Needs

In the context of the current economic crisis all generations experience difficulties in their life. A stronger dialogue and solidarity are necessary to respond to the challenges caused by the economic and social crisis and contribute to a greater social cohesion. This contact between generations will allow reducing prejudice and help promote intergenerational respect and solidarity.

Volunteering is considered a meeting point between generations, and National Societies are best positioned to promote a mutual understanding through it. As stated in the first enabling action of IFRC Strategy 2020 which aims to build stronger National Societies, Volunteering stands at the basis of communities* and as such it is a means to foster dialogue between all members of society and a vector to bring generations together. The respect for differences is promoted through countering prejudice and encouraging non-violent approaches to bridging the differences. 

The seminar focused particularly on the ITC¿s (Information and Communication technology), which is considered a relevant tool in the contact between generations. It is an opportunity to communicate and exchange knowledge between generations.

* "Strong and cohesive communities are the foundation for practical delivery by National Societies. This acknowledges that people themselves are the most important resource for their own progress, which can only be sustained through their own leadership and ownership of the process" (IFRC Strategy 2020).

Target group(s) / Beneficiaries

Approximately 30 to 40 volunteers representing their National Societies.

Main objectives

Promote the value of volunteering intended as a vector for social inclusion and facilitate the exchange of information and practical tools amongst Mediterranean Red Cross/Red Crescent volunteers and technical staff who manage social inclusion programmes, with a special focus on the implementation of new technologies in the promotion of intergenerational dialogue.

Specific objectives

  • Exchange experiences and discuss the challenges related to social inclusion so as to find innovative responses that may be applied in various national contexts.
  • Analyse the role of new technologies as tools to promote social cohesion with regards to the most vulnerable groups - amongst them older people.
  • Reinforce the collaboration between RC/RC National Societies through the exchange of best practices related to social inclusion.
  • Promote a change of attitude towards the value that the elderly can contribute to society, especially to younger generations, in a social context direly affected by the current crisis.

Activities / Actions

Specific sessions: Volunteering in times of crisis: from challenges to opportunities; new technologies and volunteering; how ICTs may affect the social inclusion of the most vulnerable; volunteering and Youth; Youth and Innovation.

Impact and Follow-up

Best practices were shared amongst National Societies and proposals for adapting them to national contexts were put forward by a number of delegates. The CCM will follow up the development of such proposals and inform the Steering committee of the Mediterranean Conference accordingly. 

Methodology of implementation

The methodology to be followed will be a participative one, with theoretical contents sided by practical sessions. The activity will consist in plenary sessions and working groups in which, starting from a participative approach, the various initiatives that are expected to be proposed by participating National Societies will be debated, analysing possible hindrances in their implementation as well as possible solutions and assets.


Dissemination of the activity was given through the Spanish RC channels as well as through the CCM (social media, webpage, and newsletter).

With the support and collaboration of

the Government of Catalonia; the Barcelona City Council; the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP); the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC); Vodafone Foundation (Spain); TECSOS Foundation; the European Anti-poverty Network (EAPN)

Annex Documents

Key Issues of the Seminar