Principles and Values

The Mediterranean National Societies are working together towards a common ambition: to build jointly a future partnership to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and for human, social and cultural understanding, which involves values, behaviours and ways of life that reject violence and spreads a conflict resolution attitude by facing causes and to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation. All of these under the Red Cross and Red Crescent Principles and respect for people's human rights.

Bridging the gap toward intergenerational dialogue: Volunteering as a vector of social cohesion

The CCM and the Spanish Red Cross organized in Madrid a seminar under the title `bridging the gap towards intergenerational dialogue: Volunteering as a vector of social cohesion¿, focusing on the role that the volunteering promotion can play to bring generations closer together. While delivering volunteer service, both young and elder people can benefit from mutual contact and feel part of the solution to the current and complex crises situations rather than a burden to society, promoting mutual understanding in a relationship based on personal growth and knowledge exchange. ITC¿s (Information and Communication technology) can also play a significant role as it stands as a relevant tool in the contact between generations.

Youth Promoting a culture of non-violence and peace

The CCM and the Spanish Red Cross organize in Palma de Mallorca a one-week workshop dedicated to the promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace. Addressed in particularly to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Youth volunteers, the workshop reinforce the skills and build the capacities youth volunteers in those areas related to the promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace.

Mediterranean Seminar 'Building nets: employability in times of crises'.

The seminar focused on social inclusion of the most vulnerable, in particular, addressing employment programmes, including aspects related to the access to the labour market and the support for the vulnerable people in risk of social exclusion, the fight against poverty, health aspects, housing, professional and scholar integration, as well as the development of social and personal skills.

Seminar on Leadership for Youth Coordinators

The CCM and the Palestine Red Crescent Society organize a workshop for Youth coordinators. Youth leaders from Mediterranean NNSS attend the workshop to strengthen their ability to work in groups and teach them how to motivate other volunteers within their community. Furthermore, through the multicultural approach the youth leaders will enhance their cultural understanding, tolerance, and communication skills, all resulting in becoming better leaders.