Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean 

At the IX Mediterranean Conference celebrated in Cairo in 2004, National Societies approved the creation of a secretariat to follow-up the Conferences' resolutions. The Spanish Red Cross took the initiative and created the CCM in July 2005, including the Centre in its International Cooperation Plan.


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  • Youth
  • Migration
  • Crisis
  • Principles and Values

Young volunteers represent the great majority of all RC/RC volunteers. Youth action and engagement strengthens their role as key actors in the present and the future of the Movement while responding to the needs of the most vulnerable.

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Throughout the various editions of the Mediterranean Conference migration has been the most recurring issue. Poverty, diseases, war, unemployment, among other, drives men, women and children to leave their home in search of a better life and future.

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The Mediterranean region is changing rapidly and communities are faced with a growing number of humanitarian challenges which threaten their wellbeing, their livelihoods and ultimately their lives. More and more people are becoming vulnerable to disasters or are forced to cope with all sorts of crisis, with special regards to those derived by the conflicts which are currently affecting many countries across the region, as well as climate change and its consequences for the most vulnerable, and the economic crisis and its associated uncertainty to what the future may hold for the region.

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Mediterranean National Societies work together towards a common goal: to build a partnership that is able to respond the needs of the most vulnerable at national and regional level, and for intercultural, intergenerational and interreligious dialogue and mutual understanding, which involve values, behaviours and attitudes that reject violence and promote a culture of peace.

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