CCM Newsletter

RC/RC Youth Meeting, 23-25 May 2015

Holding hands young representatives of Mediterranean National Societies presented the Youth Statement to senior leaders of the region.

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12th Mediterranean Conference

All delegates stood up as Raimondo Fattori, President of the Red Cross of the Republic of San Marino, asked for a minute of silence.

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 Volunteers Corner 

Ana Sansegundo

I am 22 years old and I am a volunteer for the Spanish Red Cross. It is hard to define my voluntary work in a few words, so I will mention some of the most important things: learning, self-improvement, feeling of belonging, personal growth, team work, self-fulfillment, friendship, hugs and smiles, a lot of hugs and a lot of smiles.

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Where we go from here: heading to the year 2020


"Our Fundamental Principles and Values remain relevant; they are the bonding material for the Movement..."

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Human Trafficking and Humanitarian Diplomacy


The Red Cross of Serbia organizes distinctive public awareness raising campaigns throughout Serbia every October since 2011...

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