Social Networking for Seniors - Lugo Red Cross

Social Networking for Seniors
Lugo Red Cross

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

The aim is to improve the social relations of older people and to apply new technologies as a communication tool

Activities to promote participation and minimize the effects of isolation

This project covers activities information and awareness (to raise awareness among older people about the importance of maintaining social relationships), training actions necessary for socializing, activities to promote participation and activation of the elderly person (leisure, routes, biosaludable circuits, etc ...).


Virtual social network get stuck

This network puts the new information technologies at the service of the social relations of the elderly. Through this virtual social network people communicate the program, from computers and Tablet. Its purpose is to motivate older people to leave their homes and to engage in leisure activities.

Virtual social network Enrédate


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Using Enrédate

Enrédate in the kitchen

Home telecare Spanish Red Cross. Lugo - Galicia. How does it work. Terminal. Pendant. Bracelet

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