Immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees and displaced persons.Spanish Red Cross

Immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees and displaced persons
Spanish Red Cross Lugo

Social intervention. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

These projects of reception and social intervention try to respond to requests and needs posed by immigrants.

Red Cross develops activities aimed at promoting the integration of immigrants in our society: language classes, educational-cultural activities, social skills training, occupational training, leisure and free time occupation, psychological intervention, help in the search for housing ...

Language workshops Spanish classes Spanish Red CrossLanguage workshops Spanish classes

The actions are focused on counseling and information in relation to the new social and cultural reality in which they are living, as well as activities focused on raising awareness and imparting Spanish workshops.

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Dismantling myths

Language workshop Lugo

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Revista Cruz Roja. Compromiso humanitario refugiados