Day Center Alzheirmer and Other Dementias. Spanish Red Cross Lugo

Day center Lugo Red Cross

Avenida Ramón Canosa s/n, Celeiro. 982 551 335

The Day Center is a resource capable of offering care and global attention to people with Alzheimer's and other dementias during the day. At night, the elderly people return to their homes and, in this way, continue to be integrated and linked to their family environment.

Opening Hours 8am - 8:30 p.m.

The fundamental objectives are :

  • Responding to the needs of users from a transdisciplinary perspective.
  • Provide support to those family members who are responsible for the care of the user.
  • Give professional attention to the basic needs, therapeutic and sociocultural of the users.
  • To serve as a support instrument that favors the permanence of the people attending the center in its usual environment.

The Day Center of Celeiro (Viveiro, Lugo) is an installation owned by the Xunta de Galicia managed by Red Cross.

Day center Celeiro. Lugo

Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Política Social. Dirección Xeral de Maiores e Persoas con Discapacidade


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