Cruz Roja Española en Lugo. Atención a drogodependientes marginales

People in addiction care and prevention programs
Lugo Red Cross

Attention and prevention of addictions. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 280 434

Comprehensive care and treatment for drug addicts and people with dependencies, of alcohol, cocaine, hashish, heroin and other addictive substances and various narcotics

We want to serve each person with problems of addictions and drug addiction, according to their own characteristics and needs offering therapies of physical and psychological detoxification, going through detoxification and ending their social integration

Drug Addiction Unit (DAU)

Drug Addiction Unit (DAU)

Comprehensive care and treatment center for drug addicts
Prevention of drug use

Prevention of drug use

Youth Red Cross

Advice on drugs

Cruz Roja Lugo - Hazte Voluntario

Hazte Voluntario

Become a Red Cross member

Hazte socio de Cruz Roja

What is an addiction?

Information about drugs

Second chances
Do you accept the challenge?