Emergency Lugo Red Cross

Earth emergencies. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

Our main objective in terrestrial emergencies is to help in the different situations caused by the manifestation of a risk or an accident, collaborating in the resolution of the same and offering a response, if necessary, in a sustainable way in the case of catastrophes of great magnitude, in coordination with the Civil Protection units and with the network of Spanish Red Cross.

Immediate help. To make available to the Administration a set of activities that allow collaborating in minimizing the effects of emergencies, alleviating human suffering, protecting health and the environment.

Urgent aid: Maintain the necessary assistance in order to facilitate the return to normality of the affected population.

Sustained aid: Collaborate in the recovery and return to the normality of the affected populations and their environment, serving as a channel for the aid provided by the State or of Community origin.


Emergency simulation  Lugo


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Do you want to volunteer? Lugo Red Cross. Spain

Emergency simulation  Lugo

Always alert Lugo

Emergency personnel


Video. Corto. El personal de emergencias